
A cork board with some notes on it
Empathy-Driven Educational Therapy Support

At LearningByConnecting, we’re driven by the belief that instilling executive functioning skills goes beyond academic and career achievement; it’s about empowering both students and adults for a life of confidence and success. While many of our clients come to us due to issues related in either the classroom or dysfunction in the workplace, by focusing on equipping our clients with the tools to make plans, enhance their organizational skills, learn to focus, and regulate their emotions, we provide not just academic clarity, but a roadmap to navigate life’s challenges with assurance and confidence.

Our suite of therapy services has been crafted throughout years of industry research and experience with individuals facing the challenges of ADHD. Our services are designed to cater to every phase of your educational journey, from early learning, college transitions, and beyond. 

We’re committed to nurturing strengths that form the foundation of success, ensuring that students and adults thrive under the ever-evolving landscape of challenges that life presents.

What Services Does LearningByConnecting Offer?
A blue and white infographic with different types of skills.
A girl sitting on the ground with her arms outstretched.

Tiered Therapy Services for Continued Support

Premier Six-Session Learning Style Inventory

Our most comprehensive cornerstone offer lays the foundation for lifelong success through the integrative use of executive functioning skills. With the increase in students and adults being diagnosed with ADHD, we’ve created an approach that aligns tools with your unique learning profile, giving you the confidence to take control of your own learning journey.

The beauty of this program is once we target the first problem and allow our clients to navigate through that first obstacle, their confidence grows and empowers them to overcome new problems that come their way.

With one session per week for six weeks, we are able to learn what the true problem is, undergo assessments to identify strengths, and give them the executive functioning tools to be successful not just in the classroom or workplace, but in every other aspect of their lives as well. 

At the end of the six sessions, we’re able to provide a full diagnostic report that outlines what the client has learned, where they’ll need continued support, and what tools we identified to make them the most successful. 

For all new clients, we highly recommend starting with our Six-Session Learning Style Inventory. This comprehensive assessment allows us to tailor our support precisely to your needs, ensuring a personalized path forward for ongoing guidance and success.

Ongoing Educational Therapy Consultations

Continued educational therapy consultations cater to individuals who have completed the initial six-session program and seek ongoing support. This support is tailored to help our clients maintain positive habits, navigate persistent challenges, and reinforce the significance of accountability in managing their life and executive responsibilities. 

Oftentimes when we’re navigating through the real world, it helps to have ongoing support to navigate through new challenges. With our ongoing educational therapy consultations, we’re able to provide our clients with the consistent avenue for personalized guidance and encouragement they need on their journey to sustained success.

Fundamental Support:

Fundamental Support is a specialized service designed to provide essential assistance for individuals facing specific challenges or having limited executive functioning skills. Tailored to address distinct needs, this offering offers targeted guidance to enhance organizational abilities, develop effective planning strategies, and cultivate vital executive functioning skills. 

Whether it’s overcoming procrastination, improving focus, or honing time management, Fundamental Support provides a focused and personalized approach to empower individuals in navigating their unique obstacles and fostering a foundation for success.

Additional Educational Therapy Services:

  • Individual Education Plan/504 Document Review (5+ hours/week)
  • Health Presentations and Speaking Engagements
  • Documentation Review and Reports Preparation
  • Allied Professional Communication/Consultation
  • Academic and/or Domain-Specific Assessments
  • Special Education Consulting & Advocacy
  • Transition from K12 to College & Careers
  • Parental Coaching
A woman sitting on the couch with her laptop and a child laying down.

Parent Coaching

Parenting can be a minefield- Parent coaching is for any parent that wishes to resolve behavioral struggles through structure building and routine setting. Whether your challenge is morning routines, homework struggles, or dealing with a strong-willed child, we can help you set your day up for success. Parent coaching is for any parent who wishes to resolve behavioral struggles with their child. Whether you are trying to engage with an angry or defiant teenager, guide a child with attention deficit issues, or work through a combination of challenges, we are here to listen and strategize behavioral blueprints.

(50 minute sessions)

*1, 2, or 3 sessions per week to support behavior change

*Bi-weekly check-ins and goal tracking

Educational Assessment

Academic Achievement Assessments for students utilizing standardized protocols to assess skills such as Reading, Writing, Mathematics and Oral Language.

Education Advocate

Personalized support on behalf of the student and student’s family to help navigate the education system, understand the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Attend Individual Education Plan meetings with the parent (as necessary).

Are You Ready to Transform Your Life?

As you’ve reached this point, it’s time to allow yourself the freedom to seek support. Parenting a child with ADHD or even being an adult struggling with ADHD isn’t a one-size-fits-all journey. We’re a group of passionate professionals who’ve dedicated our lives to fostering your strengths through holistic and compassionate care. This could be the catalyst that reshapes your family’s path and puts you on a road to fulfillment and excitement for the future.

Schedule a complimentary consultation and discover if we’re the right fit for your transformative journey.

Reach out to Christine today!

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Free 20-Minute Consultation

You’ll have a 20-minute session with Dr. Christine Powell. During this session, she will address your inquiries about ADHD, unique learning profiles, and Ed Therapy, offering valuable insights and answers tailored to your questions.