Research Suggests That Brains with ADHD Are Different

A computer screen showing the brain of someone with alzheimer 's disease.

By: Dr. Christine Powell, Education Therapist/ Special Educator and Founder of LearningByConnecting Ed Therapy There is evidence that suggests that the brains of students with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) are different from those without the disorder. ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects attention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. Several studies have shown differences in brain […]

Why Don’t They Teach Kids These Skills In School? A Parent’s Guide to the Skills All Kids Need to Know.

A group of kids playing with a ball in the grass.

Psychologist Michael Posner first used the term “executive functioning†in the late 1960s. He used the term to describe a set of cognitive processes that are involved in goal-directed behavior, such as planning, problem-solving, and working memory. It is studied and taught in various fields, including psychology, neuroscience, and education.  Today, executive functioning is recognized as […]

How Do Kids Adapt and Learn New Things- Let Me Tell You!

A plant that is growing in the ground.

  As a teacher,  I am constantly amazed by the incredible ability of kids to adapt and learn new things. One of the most incredible examples of this is neuroplasticity, which refers to the brain’s ability to change and reorganize itself throughout a child’s development. One emotional example of neuroplasticity in kids is the way […]

Join Me for EMPOWERING PARENTS- Preparing Children for Independence (Summer Edition)

A group of children sitting together in the grass.

  Registration Link:  Description Parents: Learn strategies to help your child build and practice skills necessary for success in school and life- Online Event through Zoom Time:  Saturday, May 27, 2023 9 AM PST/12:00 PM EST(US and Canada) Join Dr. Christine Powell, Education Therapist & Executive Functioning expert, as she shares insight and strategies […]

A Parent’s Guide To Empowering Your Child with ADHD for a Fantastic School Year

A young child wearing sunglasses and a blue shirt.

As the new school year approaches, parents of children with ADHD may encounter unique challenges. However, with the right strategies and support, you can help your child excel academically and thrive emotionally. In this parent-friendly guide, we will explore practical ways to prepare your child with ADHD for a successful school year while emphasizing the […]

Free 20-Minute Consultation

You’ll have a 20-minute session with Dr. Christine Powell. During this session, she will address your inquiries about ADHD, unique learning profiles, and Ed Therapy, offering valuable insights and answers tailored to your questions.